Category: Grammar

The Verb “Get” — Not as Complicated as it Looks

“How do I know what ‘get’ means?”  I hear this question from my students regularly.  I understand their confusion.  If you look up “get” in a dictionary, you might see anywhere from 10 to 20 definitions.  That is really scary.  However, I have some good news.  There is a much easier way to remember how […]

How Do I Use the Word “Since?”

If you find yourself confused about how to use the word “since,” you are not alone.  “Since” can be a preposition, a subordinating conjunction, or an adverb.  That’s three different lexical categories! There is some overlap between the meanings of the different forms of “since,” but there are some definite differences.  “Since” as a Preposition […]

What comes after a verb? “To do”, “do,” or “doing”? (Part 2)

Be sure that you read the first post in this series!  You can find it at What comes after a verb? “To do”, “do,” or “doing”? (Part 1) Students regularly ask me, “How do I know what comes after a verb?” There is no simple answer to this question, but there are some guidelines.  Some […]

What comes after a verb? “To do”, “do,” or “doing”? (Part 1)

Video link: Students regularly ask me, “How do I know what comes after a verb?”  This is a tough question, and it’s no surprise that most EFL textbooks don’t talk much about it.  There aren’t any easy answers but at the same time, there are some guidelines.   First, I will explain some words that I will […]

Two different roles for the word “to”

Click on this link for the video version: The word “to” causes a lot of confusion for English language learners.  Why?  “To” can play very different roles in English grammar.  “To” can be a preposition, or it can be a verbal particle.  It can play both of these roles in the same sentence.  Here is […]